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[PORTABLE] Crack Japanese Font Collection | Japanese Fonts

GMK Originative Japanese is a set that uses simple black and white colors similar to our logo with a pop of red Japanese sub-legends. This classic colorway serves as a great base, and it can be used with nearly every other set in the market. The best matches are with sets that uses white fonts such as Ceresia.

CRACK Japanese Font Collection | Japanese Fonts

Introduction of our new collection of playful doodle font styles. The Hypercrack Handwritten all-caps Font with scribbles styles font. Also, Hypercrack has a unique stylistic alternates character. So you can create a combination of whatever you want!

The CSS3 Fonts specification ([CSS-FONTS-3]) describes the basiccontrols CSS provides for selecting and using fonts within documents.The ideas here are additions or modifications to the properties andrules defined in CSS3 Fonts.

The script above should not have any knowledge of how system-ui is expanded to include a collection of system user interface fonts. In particular, the above script should yield a result of "system-ui" on every platform.

Such fonts may include additional data(for example, the OpenType MATH table)to help with the hierarchical process of equation layout.In particular, they may containstylistic and stretching glyph variantsuseful in setting mathematical equations.

This property indicates the desired height of glyphs from the font. For scalable fonts, the font-size is a scale factor applied to the EM unit of the font. For non-scalable fonts, the font-size is converted into absolute units and matched against the declared font-size of the font, using the same absolute coordinate space for both of the matched values.

The following table provides user agent guidelines for the absolute-size scaling factor and their mapping to HTML heading and absolute font-sizes. The medium value is used as the reference middle value. The user agent may fine-tune these values for different fonts or different types of display devices.

For any given font size, the apparent size and effective legibility of textvaries across fonts.For bicameral scripts such as Latin or Cyrillic thatdistinguish between upper and lowercase letters,the relative height of lowercase letterscompared to their uppercase counterpartsis a determining factor of legibility.This is commonly referred to as the aspect value and is equal to the x-height of a fontdivided by the font size.

In situations where font fallback occurs,fallback fonts might not share the same aspect valueas the desired font familyand will thus be less readable.The font-size-adjust property is a wayto preserve the readability of text when font fallback occurs.It does this by adjusting the font-sizeso that the x-height is the sameregardless of the font used.

How text rendered in each of these fonts compares is shown below,the columns show text rendered in Verdana, Futura and Times.The same font-size value is used across cellswithin each row and red lines are included to show the differences in x-height.In the upper half, each row is rendered in the same font-size value.The same is true for the lower half,but in this half the font-size-adjust property is also setto 0.545,so that the actual font size is adjustedto preserve the x-height of Verdana across each row.Note how small text remains relatively legible across each row in the lower half.

That is why this property is "almost" a shorthand property:system fonts can only be specified with this property,not with font-family itself,so font allows authors to do more than thesum of its subproperties.However, the individual propertiessuch as font-weight are still given valuestaken from the system font,which can be independently varied.

Note that the keywords used for the system fonts listed aboveare only treated as keywordswhen they occur in the initial position,in other positions the same string is treatedas part of the font family name:

To render with an invisible fallback font face for a given element,find a font face as per "render with a fallback font face".Create an anonymous font facewith the same metrics as the selected font facebut with all glyphs "invisible" (containing no "ink"),and use that for rendering text.Doing this must not trigger loads of any of the fallback fonts.

The @font-face rule allows for linking to fontsthat are automatically fetched and activated when needed.This allows authors to select a fontthat closely matches the design goals for a given pagerather than limiting the font choiceto a set of fonts available on a given platform.A set of font descriptors define the location of a font resource,either locally or externally,along with the style characteristics of an individual face.Multiple @font-face rules can be used to construct font families with a variety of faces.Using CSS font matching rules,a user agent can selectively downloadonly those faces that are needed for a given piece of text.

A given set of @font-face rules define a set of fontsavailable for use within the documents that contain these rules.When font matching is done, fonts defined using these rulesare considered before other available fonts on a system.

As with other URLs in CSS,the URL can be relative,in which caseit is resolved relative to the location of the style sheetcontaining the @font-face rule.In the case of SVG fonts,the URL points to an element within a documentcontaining SVG font definitions.If the element reference is omitted,a reference to the first defined font is implied.Similarly, font container formatsthat can contain more than one fontmust load one and only one of the fontsfor a given @font-face rule.Fragment identifiers are used to indicate which font to load;these use the PostScript name of the fontas defined in [RFC8081].Conformant user agentsmust skip downloading a font resourceif the fragment identifier is unknownor unsupported.For example, older user agentswhich do not support OpenType collectionswill skip to the next url in the list.

For OpenType and TrueType fonts,this string is used to match only the Postscript nameor the full font namein the name table of locally available fonts.Which type of name is used varies by platformand font,so authors should include both of these namesto assure proper matching across platforms.Platform substitutions for a given font name must not be used.

For OpenType fonts with multiple localizations of the full font name,the US English version must be used(language ID = 0x409 for Windows and language ID = 0 for Macintosh)or the first localizationwhen a US English full font name is not available(the OpenType specification recommends that all fontsminimally include US English names).User agents that also match other full font names,e.g. matching the Dutch name when the current system locale is set to Dutch,are considered non-conformant.

The value for these font face style attributesis used in place of the style implied by the underlying font data.This allows authors to combine faces in flexible combinations,even in situations where the original font data was arranged differently.User agents that implement synthetic bolding and obliquingmust only apply synthetic styling in caseswhere the font descriptors imply this is needed,rather than based on the style attributes implied by the font data.However, variation values applied to fonts defined with '@font-face'will be clamped to both the values specified in these descriptorsas well as the values supported by the font file itself.

Multiple @font-face rules with different unicode ranges for the samefamily and style descriptor values can be used to create composite fontsthat mix the glyphs from different fonts for different scripts. Thiscan be used to combine fonts that only contain glyphs for a singlescript (e.g. Latin, Greek, Cyrillic) or it can be used by authors as away of segmenting a font into fonts for commonly used characters andless frequently used characters. Since the user agent will only pulldown the fonts it needs this helps reduce page bandwidth.

In cases where textual content is loaded before downloadable fonts are available,user agents must render text according to the font-display descriptor of that @font-face block.In cases where the font download fails, user agents mustdisplay the text visibly. Authors are advised to use fallback fonts intheir font lists that closely match the metrics of thedownloadable fonts to avoid large page reflows where possible.

The algorithm below describes how fonts are associated with individual runs of text.For each character in the runa font family is chosenand a particular font face is selectedcontaining a glyph for that character.

Some legacy fonts might include a given character in the character map but lack the shaping information(e.g. OpenType layout tables or Graphite tables)necessary for correctly rendering text runs containing that character.

Consider a font family with three fonts, named A, B, and C, each with associated supported ranges for the font-stretch descriptor. If an element is styled with "font-stretch: 125%", the search algorithm can be visualized as follows:

The font stretch ranges supported by fonts A, B, and C are shown in the graph above. As you can see, because font B contains the minimum stretch value across the entire family, font B would be selected by this algorithm. However, if font B were somehow eliminated from the family, font C would then contain the lowest distance in the family, so it would be selected.

If font-synthesis-style has the value auto,then for variable fonts with a slnt axisa match is created by setting the slnt valuewith the specified oblique value;otherwise,a fallback match is producedby geometric shearing to the specified oblique value.

User agents are not required to distinguish between italic and oblique fonts. In such user agents, the font-style matching steps above are performed by mapping both italic values and oblique angles onto a common scale. The exact nature of this mapping is undefined, however, an italic value of 1 must map to the same value that an oblique angle of 11deg maps to. Within fontfamilies defined via @font-face rules, italic and obliquefaces must be distinguished using the value of the font-style descriptor.


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