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The Roy Adaptation Model (3rd Edition)l

Boston Based Adaptation Research in Nursing Society (1999). Roy adaptation model based research: 25 years of contributions to nursing science. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International Center Nursing Press.

The Roy Adaptation Model (3rd Edition)l

Tsai, P-F. (1999). Development of a middle-range theory of caregiver stress from the Roy adaptation model. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60, 133B.Tsai, P-F. (2003) A middle-range theory of caregiver stress. Nursing Science Quarterly, 16, 137-145.

The effects of a care plan based on the roy adaptation model on depression among nursing home residents Nishteman Alidoost1, Omid Naseri2, Aylin Jahanban3, Masumeh Hemmati Maslakpak4, Banafshe Maghsoudi5, Esmaiel Maghsoodi3 1 Department of Midwifery, Shahid Motahari Educational Hospital, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran2 Department of Nursing, Be'sat Educational Hospital, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran3 Department of Nursing, Maragheh University of Medical Sciences, Maragheh, Iran4 Maternal and Childhood Obesity Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran5 Department of Bioinformatics, School of Health Management & Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Date of Submission01-Jul-2019Date of Decision28-Oct-2019Date of Acceptance01-Nov-2020Date of Web Publication19-Apr-2021

Roy Adaptation Model (RAM) is one of the nursing models that is commonly used in nursing research. In the RAM, human beings are considered as a system of adaptation that interacts with the environment. According to the RAM, the result of the mechanisms used by individuals to cope with stimuli is reflected in their behaviors. Behavior in RAM refers to the internal and external actions and reactions of individuals to stimuli and is defined as a set of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of individuals. In the RAM, behaviors are described as adaptive or non-adaptive behaviors. Roy defined four modes of adaptation, including physiological, self-concept, role function, and interdependence. The physiologic mode is focused on the structures of the body and how they function. The self-concept mode includes individuals' feelings and thoughts about themselves. The focus of this mode is on the psychological and spiritual aspects of the individual. Role function mode includes behaviors related to the individual's roles in the family or community. It also refers to the expectations that must be met by the individual in each of these roles. The interdependence mode refers to the social and relational integrity of the individual and was also focused on giving and receiving social support [22]. In accordance with the purpose of this study, the mode of interdependence has been considered for this study. Interdependence is the process by which people interact with each other and it focuses on the impact of the consequences of each person's behavior on themselves and others [23]. Interdependence can provide fundamental insight into an individual's adaptation to the social environment [15]. In different diseases, interdependence has been studied based on the RAM. In a phenomenological study based on RAM, the experiences of patients, their families and nurses working in the intensive care unit during the critical illness period were examined and the result showed that there is an interdependence between all of them [24]. Also, the experience of Turkish pregnant women with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy was assessed using RAM and the participants' experience showed that they were dissatisfied with their relationships with important people in their lives and with supportive resources and disruption of interaction with their social environment [25]. In another study, the experience of patients who underwent bariatric surgery under the guidance of RAM was examined and the results showed that body image surgery improves social life, personal relationships and performance of participants [26]. The adaptation experiences of Turkish patients who underwent liver transplant surgery were evaluated according to the RAM. The results showed that the relationship between participants 'families and patients' interactions with others improved [27]. There wasn't found a qualitative study that examined the field of women's interdependence after hysterectomy.


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